Suzanne Giesemann in person
Suzanne Giesemann in person
After four years of following Suzanne’s marvelous teachings, whether through books, watching podcasts, or a succession of Shift Network classes, I finally had the opportunity to join her in person for the workshop held in Savannah, Georgia, entitled Serving Spirit Level 2. The focus was to learn more about how to tune into departed loved ones and guides in Spirit with opportunities to practice with fellow participants.
Although I had taken this class online a few years earlier, Suzanne always updates her teachings with new insights from her team in Spirit named Sanaya, as well as evidence and teaching points from recent readings that she has given. In addition, she always adds fresh teaching points from her own life. So while I had heard a few of the stories before, such as the detailed description of her worst reading ever, watching her share these stories in person made them even more compelling. Her honesty and integrity, as she reveals the lessons learned and wisdom gained, are very inspiring.
For me, one of the biggest teachings was watching Suzanne shift from a busy organizer to an exceptional teacher with one breath, radiating that light that comes from deep knowing, from pure awareness. Her ability to stay in that flow, even as Sanaya “snagged” her (caught her attention) and corrected a word choice, a thought. On Sunday morning, her preplanned teaching notes were set aside, as she spontaneously channeled a profound meditation from Sanaya. After a hotel staff error, she made the lack of morning coffee available for us all into a teaching point, namely to stand back from getting involved with the story for which there was no immediate remedy, and say or think, “Isn’t that interesting” and then just continuing with the flow without it.
Some attendees were practicing mediums, others wanted new skills to help them with patient care or helping others, as well as serving their communities. A few had recently begun the journey of studying with her, not sure yet where it would lead. All shared one thing: either the personal loss of a loved one or knowing someone very dear who was suffering from a recent loss. In other words, everyone wanted to help others and/or help themselves. All were committed to a path of greater awareness and understanding. And what a pleasure it was to be in their company.
And yes, we practiced tuning into a loved one in spirit for each other one-on-one. Then to my delight, as a foursome, we tuned in simultaneously and began sharing. When one of us recognized the person in spirit, the rest of us then tuned in to that same spirit to add details, more evidence, and messages. What was a fresh experience for me, was doing all this IN PERSON, not via Zoom, AND in a noisy room, where I could hear snippets of other conversations. A true test of focus, and staying true to the first impressions I hear, see, sense, feel.
One teaching that I finally understood is the difference between picking up psychic information from the sitter’s field, versus information and evidence from the departed loved one in spirit as a medium. Suzanne emphasized that when tuning in as a medium, you are having a conversation with that departed loved one, you feel a personality. There is an emotional lift, a knowing, and, as I have often experienced, the departed loved one will joke with you. There is emotion, feeling, and sensing, contrary to the flatness of purely psychic information.
Whether in person or online, Suzanne is one of the most inspiring human beings and gifted teachers I know. Like all of us, she has experienced many challenges. Yet, she upholds a standard of honesty, integrity, and ethics that radiates in everything she says and does. And she is totally dedicated to spiritual growth, led by her curiosity.
Would I take the same workshop with Suzanne again? In a heartbeat. Would I recommend her workshops in person and online to all seeking spiritual understanding? Absolutely!

Thank you for the inspiration, Anne. I will definitely put a live workshop on my list of important things to do.
Wonderful plan!! ❤️
What a fantastic experience to be In Person and to have a small group! How intimate! I have had the privilege of seeing Suzanne twice, once in The Villages with Susanne Wilson when I was new to her, and once in Boone, NC a couple of years ago which was a large gathering. She radiates when she teaches — well, she seems to radiate at all times! Yes, I too would highly recommend attending one of her In Person events as the Energy is so delightfully high and lovely like minded souls to share it with. So glad you had a fabulous time! And got to enjoy Savannah as well!
May we both have many more opportunities to see her!
I completelly agree. It is a joy to sit with Suzanne AND with her community. The love is a force. And the teaching is always exceptional. I, too, could listen again and again ~ and I have. Several of her workshops I’ve taken as many as 5-6 times, always with a good result and always coming away with something new. So happy that you and Brent got to go to this and in beautiful Savannah!!! Hooray!!!