Closing the Circle- Ceremony of Immense Gratitude
Closing the Circle- Ceremony of Immense Gratitude
Seven and a half years ago, on a dark starlit December night, near the Atlantic Ocean, we stood on a balcony and looked up and out at the star filled sky. It was cold, but it did not matter, this was the night for a vow, a ceremony of complete commitment.
Brent, my husband, was witness. He stood beside me as I stretched my arms up and out and spoke to all the Helping Spirits in the unseen realms, all the Spirits of Nature, the Elements, the Celestial Beings, my Power Animals, Guides, Angels, Masters and Teachers in Spirit, to all that is, beyond space and time- Universal Awareness, Consciousness, God, the Divine, known by different names in different religions, Oneness, Joy, Love. There, on that spot, with complete heartfelt conviction, a quavering voice from such deep felt emotion, I vowed in the name of pure love to do everything I could, every thing, to live through and well beyond this cancer journey, and if given the opportunity, to help others on their life journeys. I stated to the ALL that I surrendered fully to what was meant to be, to what the highest and best was for all concerned. With deep conviction, I stated that my heart-felt desire was to live, to live with my beloved husband, and share life with my sister, other family members and dear friends, to help, to serve, to be the voice of Spirit and wisdom and loving kindness, should I be given the opportunity to live. And at the same time, I fully surrendered to the Highest wisdom regardless of the outcome. I vowed that I would return to this spot to express my gratitude for all the help and assistance received from ALL realms, should I be gifted with life and good health.
Seven years and one month later, a psychic medium in the UK confirmed that I came very close to “not making it” but that I had made a pact with Spirit to be their voice should I be gifted with life. A pact they helped me achieve.
Today on the particularly long solar eclipse, April 8, 2024 we returned to the same spot, to be in ceremony with all the Helping Spirits, a ceremony of immense gratitude for this gift of life. Brent stood beside me, as I rattled lightly in the lessening sunlight of the eclipse, when many feel that the veil between realms is especially thin, and addressed all the Helping Spirits, in all realms, once again. In my other hand, I held a double pronged quartz crystal, representing the collaboration between my being and all in Spirit, as well as my husband and myself, to create this present moment, this gift of life, this glorious NOW.
As the sunlight dimmed, I spoke to ALL from the depths of my heart, thanking them with immense gratitude for their assistance, their help, their support in gifting me with life, with this present moment, this Eternal Now. Filled with love for ALL, my heart overflowed with gratitude, as the light ocean breeze wafted around us gently.
The ceremony was complete, my vow was filled and received. I will continue to serve, to be the voice of, to help, to assist, to remind others of their own light, their own strength, their own courage, their own deep well of loving kindness, of love.
And so it is.

What a beautiful, living tribute to the Spirits and an affirmation of your fully participating in your Healing… well stated…
I am so grateful for Your Presence and your Healing!
Much love,
How lovely, Barbara! Thank you! I’m so touched by your words!
Warmest Hugs and love🤗❤️
So beautiful!
Love and Joy to you, dear Friend!! Thank you for all your support and healing insights and energies!!❤️❤️
Thank you Anne for being our friend and for inspiring us with your amazing gifts and zest for life and service. All our love flows out to you with gratitude and love.
So grateful for you both in our lives!
Warmest Hugs and lots of love
This is beautiful!!!!! Thank you for staying here on earth and sharing your love!
My pleasure! 😄
Warmest Hugs and lots of love🤗🤗❤️
Thank you Anne for sharing this beautiful and moving ceremony. I am so grateful for your presence, gifts and insights. For the light, joy and love that radiates from you. So deeply inspiring!
Your ongoing circle is a highlight in my life! I have learned so much from you and everyone in the circle and am deeply grateful. With much admiration, warmest hugs and love ❤️
You are such an inspiration and gift to us all Anne. Thank-you for sharing your beautiful healing journey and pact with the Divine. So grateful to know you and feel your unconditional radiance of love for all!
So much gratitude to have met you and Cristina in the breakout group on zoom- you have enriched my life!
With warmest hugs and love❤️
Anne, thank you for sharing your journey with the All. I know that I am blessed to have you in my life as a bright light. Thank you for your love, kindness and support. You are an Angel in my life.
Sending much love and light.
Such a joy to know you!! Warmest Hugs and love!
Oh my stars, this is utterly magical and holy and fabulous. You are such a beautiful light, I swear, we have to wear sunglasses here in the ATL. I am honored to know you ~ both of you. What a gift you are. xoxo
Warmest Hugs and so much gratitude for you in our lives!! 🤗🤗❤️❤️