Young At Heart
Young At Heart The youngest people at heart that I know include a radiant 93 year old great-grandmother from Switzerland, Ruth, who has experienced many losses in her life, yet continues to defy her biological age by swimming THIRTY laps every day, always learning new things, always interested in new recipes to cook for family […]
Angelversary versus Focus on Loss
Angelversary versus Focus on Loss It just so happens that my much loved mother and father passed just after my birthday, and then many years later, my beloved mother-in-law as well. And my dearest friend in Europe passed right before my birthday… Hmmm… I had a choice- do I celebrate my birthday or grieve their […]
To Grieve with Grace and Growth
To Grieve with Grace and Growth When we go through any loss, we grieve. We grieve the loss of a relationship, the loss of a job or profession, the loss of body parts, the loss of who we used to be, and most of all we grieve for the loss of loved ones, whether a […]
Wanting the Past or Wanting the Present
Wanting the Past or Wanting the Present How many times have we yearned for something in the past? Could it be as simple as a delicious meal that left you in a state of blissful appreciation, or could it be as huge as a longing for a loved one, say a parent, or a child, […]
How would you like to be remembered?
How would you like to be remembered? Are you looking for a guidepost for how to live your life now? Here’s a suggestion for you. What about making a list of the attributes, accomplishments, projects, and all the things you would like to be remembered for? A good friend, who was doing exceptionally well in […]